An ode to everyone who has ever corrected my spelling
An ode to everyone who has ever corrected my spelling

An ode to everyone who has ever corrected my spelling

For those of you who don’t know I’m Dyslexic. Being a Dyslexic social media manager isn’t easy, therefore I have an ode to everyone who has corrected my spelling.

Hello, my name is Katherine and I can’t spell.  

Not even a little bit, not very well.  


Some of the most simple words simply complex me.  

Sending apologies makes me want to flee.   


I know you only say it in jest when commenting over a beer.  

But those little comments really feel like a sneer.  


Spell check is my greatest friend, which often replies with; “not a clue”.  

Autocorrect is ducking with me, which really makes me blue.  


Missing words mid-sentence is a common conundrum. 

While repeating myself is something I don’t find humdrum.   


You see I am dyslexic. I have a word blindness if you will.  

Even the word itself is something that gives me a chill.  


Creating content was never a path I chose, however one day the path chose me.  

In the office I have spell check, a plug in, and a proofreader, but out on my own it’s just me.  


I’m trying my very best but sometimes my word blindness wins.  

In the grand scheme of life, bad spelling is one of my lesser sins.  


When you want to help me, all private advice is greatly received.  

However, when you publicly point it leaves me rather grieved. 


Dyslexia is not easy to talk about and I know what some of you are thinking.  

However, sometimes you need to say these things to stop the wrong ideas interlinking. 


Spelling is not a sign of intelligence, creativity or skill.  

And I know for some of you reading this, this is a rather bitter pill.  


Spelling is easy for some.  

But it’s a skill that makes me rather glum.  


So, when you feel like correcting maybe stop and think. 

Are your spelling comments going to make someone else’s heart sink? 


We are all trying our best, and we all want to succeed. 

So please, stop being cruel about my language, as it makes my heart bleed.