We’ve all been there.
We get an enquiry from someone that really interests us.
A BIG brand.
A product we love.
An agency promising big names and bigger figures.
But spoiler alert.
It’s only a name.
It’s only another client.
Yes, you may have followed them.
Yes, you may really like their stuff.
Yes, you may want their name on your client list.
But, what does this really mean?
Now, don’t get me wrong, client lists are great.
Fancy client lists are even better.
Working with brands we love is incredible.
And sometimes these fairy tale accounts are amazing.
We have some at Oh So Social, they are wonderful brands and wonderful people to work with. We are privileged to call them clients.
But sometimes they aren’t great.
Sometimes you kill yourself to get a meeting.
You bend over backwards to meet demands.
Do considerable work for free and never see a return just for the chance to say you’ve pitched.
I’ve worked with some big brands and pitched for even bigger and this is what I’ve learned:
1 – If your gut is telling you it’s wrong, there is normally something wrong. Your gut intuition is amazing, you should always listen to it.
2 – No client is worth killing yourself for.
3 – If they are making unfair demands now, they will when you win the contract. How people behave in the first instance usually reflects their behaviour throughout the relationship.
4 – You can’t please everyone no matter how hard you try.
5 – It’s ok to say no and set boundaries. People won’t always like this, and it may feel terrible in the first instance, but trust me, you will be thankful in the long run.
6 – Your existing clients are more important. Don’t neglect the clients you have to pitch or gain new work. Your existing clients are already paying you, they have helped you get where you are today. They are important. They should come first. Look after them.
Very nice write-up. I absolutely love this website. Thanks! Angelina Morgun Darsie